Thursday, 7 April 2016

March PPE: Learner Response

Learner Response

1) Feedback:

www: clear understanding of text; use of theory
ebi: missed opportunities to develop the point- Q2/3 both need an additional paragraph- please do this improving media terminology. 


I picked the right points to base my paragraphs off of for example, for question one my three main points that I used to base my three paragraphs off of were:
  • caring
  • competitive advantage
  • successful people
I realised that these points weren't as strong as the ones that the mar scheme stated and I believe that the ones that I had chosen were too out of context for the question. The point of 'successful people' could be a form of theory for psychographics but not for the basis of an answer as there isn't much to write about and it will gradually end up repeating information in other paragraphs.

I realised that there are many other well known conventions present during the 'Superhumans' trailer that could be used as a point for a paragraph. An example would be, 'The use of the logo'. This is a convention that would be a powerful and very helpful point to be used as a point in one of the paragraphs.


I had gotten more marks in question 3 than the other questions. This may be because I am familiar with Media forms more than compared to the other question subjects such as institutions. The media forms question revolved around the narrative of the trailer and how it was used in many different ways. I made my points link throughout the paragraph as I was certain of these narrative traits. For example, the use of mutlistand narrative being present by conveying each person and their back story with disability. In addition, I used more original thought and opinions with the answer as I introduce the three lane structure of narrative; a theory by Todorov- the equilibrium.

Moreover, I was familiar with the other types of narrative based/themed theories and tried my best to apply it to this specific trailer. When I found the link between the narrative source, I explain it in my answer and ensure that the answer is consistent throughout the paragraph rather than just touching on a topic and leaving it for later.


The weakest question was question 2- media audiences. I think I didn't do as well in this question due to the time management. I spent more time answering the first question rather than just moving through the paper. In addition to this, I do think that there was very little for my to write down about media audiences interaction and opinions on this trailer. The points chosen where necessary and were in context with the question itself, it was just that the third paragraph wasn't explored as much and thus leading to less explanation to be said. I do think that even just stating the point of the third paragraph would be better as I could go back and finish off the question, knowing what I need to write about.


Re-do question 2:

Q- How are viewers encouraged to view disability?

One way in which viewers of the Channel 4's Superhuman TV commercial encourages people to view disability as not an obstacle. This is because the past stereotypes of disability is mainly of, people assuming that they cannot do everyday things that non-disability people can do, such as learn or even do athletics. This video challenges that ideological thinking of viewers as thy would often think of the disability of not wanting to try and even do new things as they believe they cannot do it. However, this advert counters that view-point of the disability as it shows how determined and hard working the disabled people are even though they have lost their limbs during harsh events such as car crash.

Another way in which viewers are encouraged to see disability is as a community (al working together). This is apparent in the final shot of the advert as it shows a wide of shot of all the athletes who are all disabled and have their own disability issues. This shot is there to portray the disability as a family like theme. We can see all the athletes together with their main enemy, disability itself, however the connotations of that shot shows how they will still remain a team no matter the issue. There is a strong messaged apparent in that shot, making the viewer realise that disability unites people and makes them stronger. According to Dyers 13 lines of appeal, the disabled athletes seem to be part of the family category and makes the message of every one wanting to belong and feel a part of something- which is what this trailer gives off.

Finally, one way in which viewers are encouraged to see disability is being fearless. This is evident as we see a range of face pace events of car crashes and tragic event occurring, and then we see the same people (who suffered from that incident) carrying on with their training and working hard. These sequences again convey a strong message of the disabled being fearless and not stopping no matter what. They are seen doing many dangerous things that is used to make the viewer feel surprised about what they are doing. It acts as a way to make the viewer look at them self in a way and compare their dedication along with what they see. In a way, this commercial seems to be persuading the viewers to participate in sports as the disabled can do it despite having obstacles and issues in the way.

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