Sunday, 24 April 2016

Section B Learner Response

Learner Response to Section B Answer

Lr: Add at least 2 theories in each paragraph.

Paragraph one- Print platform

There is a similar promotion in A Field in England where the film uses the directors name (Ben Whetly) as a way to promote and sell the film an audience. This type of promotion through the films print platform such as, the film poster is linked with the autor theory. This theory links with A Field in England as the film is not a visually appealing film considering it is filmed in black and white and has an unusual story. The film's print uses the directors name (who is very popular and reputable) to sell the film across and give it its recognition. This form of promotion is what the autor theory is. Presenting the director as a author of film is the films approach to promoting the film. Similarly. in the 007 the idea of using brand identity to grab the attention of audiences is another way in which consumers consume certain products. Products such as the 007 franchise use the title- 007 to promote the film. It is this title that is used throughout all the new films releases in order to promote the film and give it more publicity. This links in with the brand identity theory where media creators tend to replicate a similar approach to other content in order to associate certain things with a certain media product. In this case it is the title of 007. Whenever the public sees that number they will instantly refer to the James Bond franchise, and this shows how powerful the brand identity is as it triggers a certain media product just from a number.

Paragraph two- Broadcast platform

The broadcast platform offer a lot of moving and digital footage which is what the print platform doesn't have. The broadcast platform can deliver more information and engage more than compared to a print product as there isn't a lot of user interactivity. Ill Manors used a range of different types of trailer which focus of completely different things. The Ill Manors main promotional trailer focused a lot of the characters as well as the lifestyle of the youth. There were a couple of scenes where the youth were beating each other up or doing violent acts. However, there was a few scene of prostitution. These scenes don't play a major role in the films narrative and thus is used to attract the viewer even more. This film is a 18 certificate meaning that there will be sexual related scene within this movie, and these scenes are to attract the audiences attention. This links nicely with the female gaze ans the majority of the sexual scene were of women. The trailer is portray females as sexual desirable people and this is seen through their body posture as they lean in to the window of a males car. The film seems to follow the stereotype of young women being prostitutes and is apparent in this trailer through the female gaze.  In Spectre broadcast platform, we see the character James Bond doing a range of dangerous and being active throughout this trailer. This is an example of the male gaze. James Bond franchise is known to follow this theory as the character often needs to be portrayed as dominant and attractive to the female audiences. He is seen time to time doing life risky things which is to further engage the female audience as they want to see more of his actions.

Paragraph three- E-media platform

Ill Manors had a website (now been removed) that was dedicated to all things related to the film. The first visual thing to grab the users attention was the banner. The banner consisted on the main character involved in the Ill Manors film narrative. However, the portrayal of these character were very grime and dark. They seem to give off this criminal like feel due to the tone and the colour scheme of the banner. This links in to the representations of the youth culture. We see a man sitting on the group smoking and this image can generate certain representations which today's society believe to be true. One of which is that the youth cannot look after themselves and turn to criminals a way of entertainment which is evident through the banner portrayal of the characters.
Furthermore, Spectre has a website that looks and feels more professional than the other films (Ill Manors and A Field in England) as it is a long running film franchise, Therefore, it is likely to learn from its past mistakes and perfect its portrayal through all three media platforms including e-media. The website has a lot of synergy present on it. It has a shop section where it sells 007 perfume bottles. This is cross promoting the clothing industry as well as boosting the brands portrayal to audiences. As this is a link on e-media, users can search up the advertisement for the perfume and these can say certain things about the brand itself. According to Dyers 13 lines of appeal, the Spectre 007 brand sees itself as luxury and prestige through the range of products it sells in relation to the film itself, for example the perfume line.

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